Complete guide to the Participant Portal

The article explains the different ways event information can be displayed and interacted within the Participant Portal.

All portal links use tokens in the website address to automatically authorize the visitor instead of logins requiring passwords. It’s similar to receiving a magic link when you reset your password online. There is no need for any Participant to login or sign up for 1pm (they just need the link!).

When you access the Admin area of 1pm for example tokens are not used, as the user has to be logged in to view this information. To access the Admin area of 1pm, a login and password is required.

The Participant Portal is what’s known as an ‘extranet’, this is where all EXTERNAL participants, stakeholders, guests and people involved with the event can access just the information you have give them access to, in a secure and controlled manner. They don’t need a 1pm login.

The backend of 1pm is what you might call an ‘intranet’ because only INTERNAL people within your organization will have access to it via either the Space Owner login, or through sharing Space User invites with users. These are probably your colleagues that work with you everyday. They will need a 1pm login.

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