Key concepts

Everyone is a Participant

Everyone involved with the event should be added as a Participant

That includes actual Guests, Locations, Venues, Assistants, Staff, Speakers etc. even if they are not physically attending the event.

Participants are added from Contacts, so you can easily add Participants from your reusable contacts database when planning future events.

This is what makes 1pm incredibly unique and powerful, you can maintain your database of contacts all in one place and classify people according to what type of Contact they are (e.g. Supplier/Location/Venue/Person).

Contact Types

When you add a Contact you can flag it as being either a Location or Supplier.

If a Contact is both a Location and Supplier, they are actually considered a Venue. That makes complete sense, because they are a location in terms of having areas to hold activity, and they are a supplier because you pay them.

But there is NO Venue switch in 1pm, just switching on Location and Supplier is all you need to, and 1pm will automatically treat that Contact as a Venue.


This is the default contact type for a new contact in 1pm.

Persons might include:

  • Everyone on your guest list that you would refer to as a 'Guest'.
  • Helpers or assistants (staff, colleagues or friends).
  • Guest speakers or Keynote speakers.


Locations are physical locations where activity is occuring at your event. Most of the time this will be at an actual Venue. Or it might be a public space like a park.

If your contact has a physical address, it should always be flagged 'Location' because that's when areas can be created for that location.


Suppliers are anyone you will pay associated with the event.

Typical suppliers would include:

  • Venues
  • Caterers
  • Photographers
  • Stylists
  • Florists
  • Audio/Visual
  • Entertainers
  • Transportation

If your contact is a Supplier, flag them as Supplier. This will also give them automatic access to the runsheet in the their Personalised Event Portal (which of course you can override if needed).

Venue (Location & Supplier)

A Venue is a unique type of Contact in 1pm because it means the Contact has been flagged both Location & Supplier.

Add Participants From Contacts

In 1pm, you add Participants from existing contacts (Persons, Suppliers, Locations & Venues).

You can then maintain your database of contacts for future events, without having to reenter their contact details.

This also means you can easily add suppliers & venues from past events, by simply finding their contact record and adding them as a participant to the event.

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