Getting started

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Real-Time Messaging

Importantly, 1pm is a real-time 'single page application' (SPA), meaning it works best contained in one single browser tab. Resist the temptation to open up into multiple tabs, because it's limited to just a few tabs per user.

Think of 1pm as similar to something like Slack, where messages and updates are coming in all the time behind the scenes.

Just like in Slack, you wouldn't want or need to have multiple versions of 1pm running in the background simultaneously (as it's just not efficient).

If you accidentally open more than three tabs, some of the old tabs will be closed automatically (so please be aware of this as you may lose unsaved edits).

Participants are added from Contacts

The main thing to remember is that in 1pm every person involved with the event (including Suppliers, Venues, Locations and Assistants) should be added as Participants from Contacts.

That way, when you create the Activity you will be able to easily assign tasks to these participants.

Not all of these 'Participants' such as suppliers will need a badge, which is why you can also set the Nametag flag to indicate that this is someone you would consider a 'real guest'.

You also have full control over who needs to RSVP with the 'Requires RSVP' flag for all participants.

To avoid back-tracking It is recommended that you setup 1pm in the following order:

Add an Event

  • Click on the Events tab and the Add/Save button.
  • Add your event information (Start Date is required).
  • 1pm will set the 'Event Context' to this newly created event (in this example - Eily & Matt). The Space context is also shown (Jims Space). The day and date of the event is shown.

You view data in three contexts. There is the Space you are viewing. Secondly, the Event and finally the Day (from the Runsheet tab). 1pm remembers the context for the next time you login.

Import & Add Contacts

If you don't currently have any contacts or guest list, you can skip this step.

Export any existing guest list or contacts you would like to use within 1pm. Sources of contacts are unlimited, but might include:

  • Existing spreadsheets or documents.
  • CRM platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho CRM, Hubspot, Pipedrive etc.
  • Google Contacts (Android), Apple Contacts (Mac) etc.
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

All of the above platforms support the export of contacts to CSV file (so they can be imported into 1pm).

1pm can import contacts & participants via any standard CSV file. CSV files are organised into columns and comma separated with the correct field headers. CSV is the de facto way to move data between different systems.

How to Import CSV File into 1pm

  • Click on the Contacts tab and then 'Import' button to start the import.
  • Map fields from your data source, to the correct fields within 1pm. 1pm will also intelligently auto-map fields that it thinks are good matches (for example, 'telephone' = 'phone').
  • Proceed with the contact import and check contacts are added correctly.
  • If you made a mistake with the mapping or wish to reverse the import, you can go back into IMPORT and delete all past imports. Use this to get back to square one if you make a mistake.
  • Alternatively, you can enter contacts and participants 'one by one' from within 1pm by adding all persons, suppliers, venues and locations separately.
Mapping Fields during the CSV Import

In most cases you will not need to add contacts/participants individually, if you are able to export contacts from their existing source into CSV format, and then import into 1pm.

When doing the first Contact import into 1pm, it is recommended you just import your Guest list (everyone you are inviting to the event). That way, you create Contacts & Participants in one import process by checking '+ Also add as Participant' as shown below:

You can add Participants to the event at the same time you import Contacts so it's a one-step processs

As you can see, when importing future lists you can choose what action 1pm will take when the Contacts match existing records (to avoid duplicate records). This also applies to Participants.

Participants are added in 1pm from Contacts. So to add a Participant in 1pm, they first must exist as a Contact. That way, you can reuse these Contacts for future events. Contacts stick around for future use within the Space, Participants are always a sub set of some Contacts.

Setup Tags

Tags are used to classify contacts (persons, suppliers, locations and venues). For example, you might tag a supplier as PHOTOGRAPHER so you can search for all photograpers within your contacts for future events.

Tags will also show on the live and printed runsheet, so everyone can see who is doing what.

Tags can also be used in a special way by setting them as 'Hidden'. This means they won't show on the runsheet. This is very useful for internal tags such as 'SYDNEYTEAM' or other tags which are just used to group contacts together to easily add them as participants to future events.

Note: You don't have to add Tags straight away, you can always add them later.

Create Participant List

Now you have entered Contacts & Tags into 1pm, if you didn't add them as Participants when importing the Contacts, it's time to add Participants from existing Contacts.

Click on Participants to add Participants to the Event.

There are two ways to add Participants:

  1. For participants not already added as contacts you can add participants by just typing in their names, followed by their email address. This will create new contacts for these Participants at the same time (so they hang around for use in future events).
Example Contact Fields
Chris Jack [email protected] [FirstName] [Surname] [Email]
  1. For participants that are already added as contacts you can filter contacts into Persons, Suppliers, Locations & Venues and select all the people you wish to invite, then click 'Add'. You can also flag selected Participants to add as 'Assignable', so you can assign tasks when you create the runsheet activity.
  2. Make sure you also add yourself to the Event as a Participant with a valid email address. This will become useful later when we send a test invite email to you and test the Event Portal Agenda & Runsheet display.

Import Runsheet Activity

1pm supports importing runsheet data from CSV or TEXT file, for example by exporting an Excel spreadsheet you already have.

1pm uses the Contact record (which the Participant is based on) to map the Shortcode field to whatever column you have set in your spreadsheet (for example the 'who' or 'Responsibility' column.

There is one thing to bear in mind though, the Shortcode column is restricted to 7 characters. So if you have used full first names in your 'who' column you will need do a find and replace in Excel and change these to 7 or less characters.

For example, you might have put the first name 'CHRISTOPHER' in the 'who' column because that Activity is for Christopher. You should do a find and replace changing all the references to Christopher to Chris.

After you have fixed up this, it will be easy to import the entire runsheet/activity and 1pm will map to the correct existing Contact & Participant.

Make sure you have the Participant added correctly in 1pm first with a suitable Shortcode you can use in your spreadsheet.

You can add have 1pm create multiple Activity Assignments for one Activity during the import (if you are assigning the task to more than on Participant).

You can also make 1pm automatically add the correct Area to the Activity by ensuring the Area or 'Where' column in your spreadsheets maps correctly to the Area Shortcode field in 1pm.

Make sure the Shortcode in the 1pm Area matches your Area column before importing

So just to recap, when importing Runsheet Activity 1pm will be able to create all the required fields if the spreadsheet is setup correctly, with matching columns for Assigned Participants and Areas.

Just like when you imported Contacts, there is also a DELETE PRIOR IMPORTS feature if you make up a mistake the first time.

Add Runsheet Activity Using Quick Add

You can also quickly add runsheet activity by just typing in or pasting it from a document. In most cases this will be quicker than importing is as CSV.

On the 'Runsheet' tab you will add Activity for each task (or stage) of your event.

Here is a simplifed example of what Runsheet Activity looks like:

Time Activity Duration

Make sure you are in 'Edit' mode then click on the 'Type' button to start typing in some runsheet activity, or it's here you can copy and paste any existing runsheet timeline you might have.

The following are all acceptable formats to Type/Paste in the runsheet.

9.00AM Event Starts Valid
10.15AM Event Starts Valid
10.15AM-10.20AM Event Starts Valid

You can also click on Add/Save to enter each Activity one by one.

When entering Runsheet Activity on desktop you can just use the keyboard and Tab key to move to the next field. At any point you can hit Enter/Return to add that entry and start on the new one. 1pm will automatically calculate the start time of the next Activity.

Make Runsheet Activity Draft

Draft Runsheet Activity will not show anywhere other than 'the backend' until the draft flag is removed.

When you add activity into 1pm it will start out visible, but using the 'Bulk Change' feature you can change Activity to be draft until it's finalised.

Add Some Areas to Venues or Locations

Start with the main venue at your event, edit the Contact record for the venue and make sure it is set as a Location. If you are also paying for this venue, then it should be both a Location and Supplier.

In 1pm, a venue is a venue when it's both a location and a supplier 😉

Let's say your event is taking place in a public park, that's not a venue.... but it is a Location.

So in 1pm if any Contact is flagged as a Location, it will also allow you to setup areas for that location, which can later be assigned to runsheet Activity and Participants.

Add some areas to the Location/Venue and then try assigning those new areas to Activity in the Runsheet tab.

Finally, you will want to assign Activity to Participants. Participants who are suppliers can always be assigned activity, and so can Participants that are task assignable (this is a setting in their Participant record).

View the Event Portal

Now you have added some Participants and also the Venue with a few areas, setup some Activity in the runsheet and assigned areas - it's time to see what the runsheet will look like...

Click on the Runsheet tab and then 'Runsheet Live' to view the Live Event Portal.

What is super cool about 1pm is that anyone viewing this runsheet is viewing the Live runsheet. It always displays the very latest runsheet information, and if you edit the runsheet - it updates instantly without a page refresh.

And if they want a printed copy of the runsheet they can print their own latest version anytime.

Send a Test Email Invite

Congrats! You are almost ready to invite participants to your event and start receiving their RSVP status in real-time when they open their portal.

  1. Click on the Participants tab, and ensure the RSVP Status is shown:

  1. Click on the 'To Invite' segment to display only those Participants not already invited.
  2. Then click on 'Invite' to enter the Invite mode where you select Participants to send email invites.

Once selected, 1pm may show some issues such as missing email addresses if this applies.

Always send a test email invite to yourself before sending a bulk email invite. That way you can test that the Event Portal displays everything you expect and require - before sending this to everyone.

During the 'Create Participant List' stage it was recommended that you add yourself as a Participant to the event. Select only yourself, then click 'Email Invites' to send yourself a test email invite.

The email invite will automatically contain a link to the Event Portal, so also be sure to click on this link and make sure the Event Portal is displaying everything as expected.

Choose how to Email Invites

There are two ways to email invites to guests (participants).

The method you choose will depend on your situation.

  1. Use the 1pm Email Server (Easiest & Most Reliable)

If you send invites via 1pm they will appear to originate from from the email address [email protected]. Our email server is reliable and trackable, and it's a good choice and the easiest way to send the invites.

The email sender will be from 1pm and not your email server, but the email will contain everything required and there is less chance of making errors or missing out fields.

  1. Use your Email Server (More Work, Better Brand control)

Alternatively, you can use your own email service provider platform such as Mailchimp, Aweber, GetResponse, Zoho Crm etc.

To send your invites through a third party and not via the email server, click on Participants then INVITE and then EXPORT INVITES.

The exported CSV file will contain the personalised portal links for each event participant. When you do your email blast from your email service provider, be sure to include the Link field.

Exporting invites produces a csv file with these fields:

Email, FirstName, Surname, Company, Link

These are self explanatory, but the Link field is the actual Portal link personalised for that individual participant. It will allow that Participant to RSVP for the event, update their dietaries etc and add any +1's you have allowed.

Be sure to include the Link field in your invite if sending via your email service provider otherwise Participants will not be able to RSVP digitally!

View the Event Portal from your Email

You should receive your email invite by email. Click on the Event Portal link to test and check the Event Portal is displaying as would expect.

The Event Portal will update in real-tme as you make any changes or additions (so it's super simple to correct errors or ommissions).

Still have questions?

Email [email protected] or lodge a support request.

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